Your Albuquerque-Rio Rancho Appraiser services schedule and map of service area.
Fees are based upon client work requirements and largely evolve around location, degree of inspection, the use of additional forms and complexity. The following are general fees for our core area of Albuquerque, Corrales, Placitas, Rio Rancho and Tijeras. They are subject to change without notice, please call to verify.
The State of NM has a Gross Receipts tax that is to be added to every appraisal. The amount fluctuates but approximates 6.875%
In an effort to provide a superior product and make it easier for underwriters and reviewers down the line, we provide enhanced market conditions statements on all appraisals, interior photos of comparable properties when available from MLS and detailed explanations on how adjustments where derived when deemed appropriate. Mark Raney Appraisals LLC 12231 Academy Rd NE #301-269 • Albuquerque, NM 87111 P. 505-856-9894 • F. 505-856-9898 url: |
Our services: